About us

We are a team of change-makers who believe that every helping hand can raise a child and create a better future for them.

We started extending help to needy children and youth who were eager to study and work for a better life. This moment intensified when we found that there were many such underprivileged children who needed help with food, shelter and education. Our team expanded and we spread out in different regions to make sure we cover all possible areas and help as many children as possible.

 Udit Kunj Foundation was seeded, on 08/05/2019. The Foundation is a Non Profit Organisation and is a registered Society and Trust with the Charity Commissioner, Registrar of Companies, Delhi (RoC-Delhi)

(Society Reg. No. is 349717 “)

We started from the ground up in order to make a difference in the lives of poor families and communities. Udit Kunj is a non-governmental organization in India that promotes education of under-privileged and girls,Plantation camps, women empowerment, de-addiction at the grass-root level. It has been extensively working with poor people.







Udit kunj foundation organizes awareness camps related to their working areas and aware the people. The education of the girl child had asignificant impact on the country. Women’s perspectives in India have shifted dramatically as a result of strong teaching methods, and community support.

Our approach

Our Mission
To provide platform to underprivileged children, youth and women to empower themselves through education. UDIT KUNJ Foundation uses best possible methodology and technology for achieving and practicing their goal.
Our Vision
To bring change in the lives of underprivileged children, youth and women by educating them. To help them realize their dreams and also provide opportunities to accomplish them.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
0 K+
Children Helped
0 +
0 K+
Education Provided
0 K+