
Each and every person knows that how trees are an essential part of our life, they provide oxygen to breathe and a healthy atmosphere to live. Trees provide a disease-free environment to us Without trees, our survival is not possible. But, at the same time, humans are destroying trees in the name of development and infrastructure. On the other hand, trees are not taking anything in return, but still, humans don’t think about it. Udit Kunj foundation with this thought in mind, spread awareness in the society to save the environment by doing plantation activities.


Udit kunj foundation

Udit Kunj foundation is here to to help poor children by providing them the best education. it is true that the education is a right for each and every person by keeping this in mind , we have a mission of offering education to all.

There are many children living in rural areas who can’t able to complete their primary school due to lack of money. By helping them by providing good education to the children. We promote economic and personal progress, set aims in life, make them aware of social issue, and enhance social health.

Save Girl Child

Girls are the most beautiful creation of god. They deserve to live, explore the world, and opportunity to grow in life. They are the one who can give birth to another human being, thus known as creator of life. So, their existence should be safeguarded by the society. In India some people do not appreciate additional girl members in their family.

But we should remember that girls are more superior in numerous ways, as they are not only intelligent and talented but they are also mentally and emotionally strong.


Udit kunj foundation

Women Empowerment

Women play a vital role and considered as the backbone of our society and this is the major reason why women empowerment is necessary. At udit kunj foundation, we have done several things for women empowerment. Through which, we make an environment for the women where they can make their own decision for themselves and for society too.

In the world population, women population consists almost 49.58% and it is sad to get that maximum of the women around the world are unemployed due to this globe is suffering economically.

Social Awareness

Social awareness is all about creating awareness among the people regarding the society. It is essential for the people of the country because awareness leads to proper development of a country. If people are not aware about the things which are going in our society then how will they survive in this cruel world?

Social awareness is of two types- first one is getting known about the things which are socially acceptable and second one is what are the problems which are faced by the people of the country.

So, udit kanji foundation is here to create awareness in the society.