Education : Why Educating a Girl Child is Important?

Education is an important part of every individual, whether it is a girl or a boy. Education helps an individual to be smart, to learn about new things, and the amazing facts around the world.

But in Indian society, where a girl is considered as an unwanted child and a burden on the family, nobody thinks about their education. Discrimination against them starts even before birth. On the other hand, a boy is always encouraged in Indian families to study more.

In terms of population, India is the second-largest nation in the world but the literacy rate of educating a girl is extremely low. According to a survey, India’s female literacy rate is only 65.46% and the male literacy rate is 82.14%, this statistic shows how much discrimination is there.

Why there is a need of Educating a Girl Child?

Educating the girl child is a necessity for the overall development of the nation as women play an important role in the all-around process of the country. Generally, in rural areas people don’t want to send their daughters to school, because they think that education is not essential for girl child as when they grew up, they will get married and settle down in their life. Many people think that girls should stay at home to help the family in daily chores.

But this thought process is hindrance in the development of a nation. So, you should take a step forward and support for girl education as it can bring a massive change in the society.

There are many NGOs that are working for the education of girls. They run small schools in rural areas so that girls can even learn how to read and write. These NGOs spread awareness in the society about the value of education for everyone. Udit Kunj foundation also focus on educating girl child, especially in rural areas so that children can get quality education. There are several merits of promoting girl education in India because education plays an essential role in the development of the nation.

Importance of educating a girl child

Promote Gender equality– Gender inequality continues to be a major issue in today’s society due to the gap in terms of opportunities for men and women. It is a fundamental human right that every human being is entitled to ethnicity, regardless of race, religion, or sexuality. Education helps in people to learn about the issue and hence promote equality.

Educate Future Generations – there is a proverb, “If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we educate a family.” By educating a girl, a family gets educated as she will likely to make sure that her children also get education in the future.

Decrease in Child Marriage: Child marriage is one of the burning and biggest issues of Indian society. It is a known social phenomenon practiced in few societies of India, where a young girl (less than the age of fifteen) is married to an adult man. So, to decrease the child marriage, girls should be educated so that they can take their decisions. And fought against the right or wrong things.

Increase Involvement in Political Process: Educated Girls are more likely to participate in political meetings, decision-making, and discussions which in turn promotes a more effective government of the nation.

Decrease Sexual Violence & Domestic: A Educated girl or women is less likely to be victims of sexual & domestic violence, because with the education, they will get to know about the fundamental rights and laws. So they can take action against it.

Boost Socioeconomic Growth: Educated women have a great chance of, living healthier, productive lives and also raise the standard of living of their families. They can communicate better, and help in overall development of their children.


Girl Education is as important as boy’s education. Educating a girl child is a major requirement for the development of the nation.

Hope, this blog has helped you to understand why educating a girl child is important.

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