Women play a vital role and considered as the backbone of our society and this is the major reason why women empowerment is necessary. At udit kunj foundation, we have done several things for women empowerment. Through which, we make an environment for the women where they can make their own decision for themselves and for society too.

In the world population, women population consists almost 49.58% and it is sad to get that maximum of the women around the world are unemployed due to this globe is suffering economically. so, udit kunj foundation is here to help the women to be a self independent by providing the rights like health, education, employment and respectable status in society.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

1 K+
Members Worldwide
0 +
1 K+
Provide Education
0 K