women empowerment- need and role

Women Empowerment: Need and Role

Women Empowerment : Empowering women is like promoting women to have the sense of self-worth. This means helping them to recognize their ability to identify weaknesses and overcome them. Empowered women can take the responsible steps in the society.

It is also an important thing, if we want to have advanced level society and reducing the poverty level. Empowered women can contribute to the productivity and health of family and make improvement in prospects for the next generation.

Woman Empowerment is giving power to women and equal opportunity in all fields irrespective of all caste, creeds, and colors. An empowered woman can decide what is right and wrong for them.

Earlier, men in society were considered supreme. All decisions were taken by the man and he was the bread earner for the family. Women were only considered to take responsibility for upbringing the children and looking at household work. They were not even allowed to work or even study after a certain age. They got married at an early age and then have to look at the family of their husband.

Need of women empowerment in India

Women empowerment defines as giving the power to women of taking important decisions. For that, it  is necessary to empower women by letting them work, study, and wear whatever they want without any restrictions on them. To make them empowered, the only thing we can do as a society is to educate them.

No matter where a woman gets born, either in urban or rural areas, she should be provided basic education and then the freedom to take her life decisions. The only thing which can empowered Women is education as it will teach them about the difference between what is right and what isn’t.

Women empowerment is not only necessary for a woman, but it is also necessary for society. Educated women can teach others, about how a slight change in attitude can bring a great change to society.

Education not only empowers the women but also the family too. Nowadays in most organizations, and leading firms, major focus is on recruiting women. Inspiring the underprivileged ones to work hard and become successful in life.

Role of Education in Empowering Women

Educating a women can bring a change in the attribute of family members and society. It also helps in removing mal-custom like Sati-Pratha, Dowry, Early marriage, etc. as Education also plays a major role in removing poverty as it opens different job avenues for a girl, she can work equally with man and can support the family.

• Every woman has some needs and wants, education helps to maintain the aim of her interest, ability and potential which further helps her to take a correct decision in which field she has to work.

 • Education helps in personality development by giving due weightage to various aspects of personality.

 • Education of women also plays an important role in teaching her effective communication which can solve problems and adjustment disputes at any level.

• Education gives strength so that she can become strong physically. From education, she gets knowledge about exercise, sports, good physical health, and health-related aspects; this will definitely benefit her mental health.

 • Education also helps in controlling the population.

• Education encourages women of rural area to take advantage of the various schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Operation Black-Board, and Total Literacy Programmes, etc.

So, create the awareness and make women empowered and help them to fly high. NGOs like Uditkunj foundation are always ready to help them and to make their future bright.

I hope this article will help you to get how much women empowerment is important.

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